The VCT is 100% legal. We have our Business Licence, Passenger Transportation License, National Safety Code, and all drivers have a Class 5.
When you are on the VCT you are always safe, and always taken care of.
We are proud to announce that we are the first cannabis tour company to be given membership with Destination Greater Victoria! Tourismvictoria.com
Yes! Cannabis/weed/pot is legal for consumption by anyone over the legal age of 19 years. All Victoria Cannabis Tours are 100% legal, safe, fully licensed and approved by all the necessary governing bodies.
For more information about Cannabis, travel, legal limits and more, please visit Health Canada @ https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis.html
Our first tour stop is a local government-licensed dispensary where you can safely and legally purchase cannabis. We have time on the tour for you to ask all questions you may have in regard to cannabis at the dispensary.
The decision to use cannabis on the tour is entirely up to you at all times.
All guests must be of legal age, which in Victoria, BC, is 19 years old. No minors are allowed at any point, regardless of who they are accompanied by.
Of course :)